La bohème. Oviedo, 2021
“Good performance by the Intermezzo Choir, which fulfilled its role during the second act”. Platea Magazine: Oportunidad perdidaMore reviews
“Good performance by the Intermezzo Choir, which fulfilled its role during the second act”. Platea Magazine: Oportunidad perdidaMore reviews
“mentre que el cor d’homes ha confirmat aquest canvi positiu ja evidenciat en el War Requiem, de varietat expressiva, control de les mitges veus i emissió més flexible i acurada…
“The chorus of the Teatro Real did a great job, well balanced and well adjusted”. Bachtrack: Las horas vacías en los Teatros del CanalMore reviews
“El Cor, molt i ben reforçat per membres d’Intermezzo, assolí moments remarcables pel que fa a cohesió i qualitat tímbrica, especialment en uns pianissimi colpidors.” Nuvol: Redemption RequiemMore reviews
“The Coro de la Ópera de Oviedo (Coro Intermezzo) was frankly good. Undoubtedly, Pablo Moras, the new conductor, is doing a great job. It was very applauded, especially in the…
“The male chorus, with a great prominence, reminds us once again that the level reached in recent years makes the Real look on an equal footing with the best opera…
“Commendable work by the Teatro Real chorus who performed with masks and masquerades (something we will have to get used to at least for this season). The chorus sounded compact…
More than remarkable performances by the Coro de la Ópera de Oviedo in what looks like the end of a cycle and at the same time its best performance of…
“There are not enough words to explain the astonishment to which we are subjected by the Teatro Real Choir, especially in these times of health emergency in which group singing…
“The chorus followed the level of excellence set and gave one of the best performances so far this season, mimicking the darkness and recalling the most purely Greek choros.” Bachtrack:…